Saturday, December 27, 2008

Enough of my whining

Despite this year being an incredibly lackluster Christmas, it was definitely the greatest December 26th on record. I got to go swimming. Cheesy though it may sound, there is some part of my soul that is just immensely satisfied by water (thus the whole swim team, sailing, boating instructor trend) and that has been sorely lacking these past 6 months. I am writing this from Maputo, the awesome and exciting capital of Mozambique, and Maputo is a port on the Indian Ocean. I am spending the holiday in Moz with 7 saucy ladies from Swaziland Group 6. We're chilling in backpackers' hostels (note the spelling, Mom), trying new food, and resurrecting our high school Spanish in order to communicate in Portugese-speaking Mozambiquans.
But back to the water. . .yesterday we took a ferry to the more scenic part of Maputo Bay. And we went swimming. Being born and bred in the northwest, the concept of warm ocean is quite mind-boggling. But it's out there, and it's awesome. All I need now is a sailboat and a cure for HIV/AIDS and I'll be sublimely satisfied

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