Friday, November 21, 2008

Uptown Girl

I have never been a very lady-like sort of girl. Until I donated my hair to Locks of Love prior to my service, I had been rocking a basic, waist-length hair style for the better part of a decade. I do not own any make-up, and I didn't even shave my legs. I was convinced that Swaziland would makes this lack of decor significantly worse. Strangely, it has had the opposite effect. We live a pretty scruffy lifestyle. With all the dirt and grease I find myself trying anything just to feel a little bit pretty.
So I am writing this with a new haircut (courtesy of a fellow PCV) complete with layers and bangs. My legs are shaved and I even have garish pink polish on my toes. Viva Swaziland.


Morgan said...

I'm terrified at the thought of you being girly! What is this world coming too?! I'm glad to hear you're enjoying yourself though :)

Katie said...

My toes are pink too! You have bangs? Bizarre! I wish I could see a picture!

Court said...

Ohmigoodness I miss you. Tell us more! How bout some pics, eh?